Quick, tell us what you're working on!
Find out and get the chance to talk to people in and around Colab. In the format of a 5 minute presentations with 5 minutes of Q&A, we invite everyone associated with the Colab Zurich Community to give a short talk which describes what they (love to) do.
The aim is to find out and be able to tell what your fellow Coworkers and the local community is working on, also to facilitate connections. Therefore, priority will be given to the people most closely associated to Colab.
The first session is to be held on the 29th of January.
If you would like to present something, or would just like to attend without presenting to stay on top of new exciting things happening, please sign up here or drop me a message.
'Tapas' shall be organised by the community, so please consider bringing something small to eat. Dani has already promised to bring in his renowned "Härdöpfusalat". Please tell me what you're planning to bring & sign up here.